Sustainable Planet is a high-impact Agri-Food Tech company that grows premium plant-based proteins on a large scale while contributing to the regeneration of the earth’s resources and mitigating carbon emissions.

OUR 2030 Impact
There will be 10 billion people globally in 2050, requiring 50 to 70% more food. Currently, the primary protein source today is animal protein. Over 90% of all animal feed is soybeans.
To meet this demand, we need to increase soybean cultivation by 70% to 90%, which is impossible as there is insufficient arable land.
Alternative protein sources are needed. Alternatives include insect protein, lab meat, or indoor farming, but even combined, these options will fail to meet increasing demand.
Industrial soybean production dramatically impacts the planet, equal to meat. Moreover, excess consumption of soybeans is detrimental to human health. Also, more than 90% of soybeans are GMO modified.
Sustainable Planet offers the solutions to meet the multiple challenges of our global food and protein supply system.
Regenerative Agriculture
Sustainable cultivation of water lentils at a scale.
High-Quality Protein Food
Sustainable Technology
Research and development of technologies that mitigate carbon emissions and clean the planet’s natural resources.
Sustainable Protein
450,000 Tons
Carbon reductions
30m tCO2e
13 SDGs
OUR News
In a world of fast food, it’s easy to forget where your food comes from.
We’re disrupting the food industry by changing the way food is produced and distributed.
We’re on a mission to bring non-toxic, plant-based food to everyone.
270Projects Done
15Award Winning
35Expert Gardners
Deforestation for soy bean
In many tropical countries, extensive natural areas are destroyed to allow for the cultivation of soybeans.
The majority of the increase in soy production in the last decade has been in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay, where production has contributed to deforestation in important biodiversity hotspots.

Intensive Agriculture
Water lentils are not only a superfood but also a superfood. Moreover, 100% of the plant is edible, and its sustainable footprint is many times better than any other plant. Water lentils are one of the fast-growing flowering plants on our planet. The plant has around 45% protein, all essential amino acids, vitamin B, omega 3 and other vital nutrients. It has a very mild taste.
In 30 years, we will be 10 billion people and we will need 50 to 70% more food compared to today. The world is still using meat and dairy as the major protein source. Therefore, the livestock needs a lot of feed which is 90% soybeans. But there is not enough arable land available to grow this higher demand of soybeans. The result is, we will run into a global protein shortage. Water lentils can be an alternative to soybeans and as one of the fastest growing plant on our planet it can be a perfect solution.
Our solution is unique because we are using a cost-efficient way to cultivate the water lentils and a unique technology to extract the proteins. Sustainable Planet is working with the leading water lentil research centre in the world, Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands (WUR), to ensure the success of the project.